Participant Profile - Text History Tab
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Participant Profile - Text History Tab
Other Help Pages to see:
Reports - Text History Report (csv) - view the Text History data for your Mosio Project
Reports - Text History By Participant
1. Contact List
The numbered items in Image 1 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 1: Contact List
- Contacts: Selecting "Contact List" from the Contacts menu will send you to the page seen above, this is the first step in finding Text History for the specific participant profile. Next you can either do step 2 or 3.
- Actions: Clicking on the Action button will open a dropdown menu, here you will find the "Participant Profile" link.
- Participant Icon: A secondary way to access the Participant Profile is by selecting the participant icon (
2. Text History
The numbered items in Image 2 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 2: Text History
- Refresh Data: This button refreshes the Text History data.
- Direction: The direction of the text message. The two directions are outgoing and incoming.
- Body: The message that was sent or received.
- Keyword: The entity the message is related to, i.e. an assigned keyword, survey, or the main project.
- Date: The date the text message was sent or received.
- Mosio Number: The virtual number assigned to your project that sent or received the SMS message (a project may have several virtual numbers assigned).
- Status: The status of the text message.
* Carrier Received: This is for an outgoing message. There is an envelope button, this is the delivery receipt.
* Success: This is for an incoming message; the message has been received.