Participant Profile - Personal Storylines Tab
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Personal Storylines
Note: Personal Storylines are not associated with Group Storylines.
1. Contact List
The numbered items in Image 1 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 1: Contact List
- Contacts: Selecting "Contact List" from the Contacts menu will send you to the page seen above, this is the first step in finding Personal Storylines. Next you can either do step 2 or 3.
- Actions: Clicking on the Action button will open this dropdown menu, here you will find the "Participant Profile" link.
Participant Icon: A secondary way to access the Participant Profile is by selecting the participant icon (
2. Participant Profile
The numbered items in Image 2 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 2: Participant Profile
- Personal Storylines: Once you are on the Participant Profile page, you can view the "Personal Storylines" tab.
- Add New Schedule: This is how you begin creating a personal storyline.
3. Personal Storylines
The numbered items in Image 3 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 3: Personal Storylines
Time/Ending/Starting: The time the survey or alert is sent to the participant.
The start date and the end date of the Personal Storyline. If you leave the ending date empty, then the Storyline will continue for an indefinite amount of time. - Color: Color helps you to see the different storylines in you calendar. E.g. if you send a certain storyline every Tuesday and the color is blue, then every Tuesday on your calendar will show up blue. This feature makes it easier when you have multiple Personal Storylines being sent out.
Alert/Survey: You can either choose "Alert" or "Survey."
If you choose Alert, type your message in the text box to be sent to the participant.
If you choose Survey, there will be a dropdown menu which contains all of your surveys, you then select which one you would like to add to your personal storyline. - Story Days: This will be covered in it's own section. See Participant Profile - Personal Storylines Tab - Story Days
- Fixed Days: Here you choose how often you'd like the alert/survey sent to the participant.
- Exceptions: If you'd like to skip a day/week/month that this alert/survey is sent, you'd enter it into the exceptions box. E.g. - you have the survey set to send every week, but one month you don't want it sent on week 2, you add that week and a description in the exceptions box to skip sending the alert/survey for week 2.
- Add Exception: A box will appear to add and Exception. You enter in the date and the description of the Exception. Then select whether it should be for: Only this schedule, Only this storyline, or All storylines on the project. Once all of that has been done, there are 2 buttons, one to add the Exception into the personal storyline, and a button to cancel it out.
Save Schedule/Copy Schedule/Add New Schedule:
Select Save Schedule once you've entered all the data.
Select Copy Schedule to make this personal storyline a new one.
Select Add New Schedule to create a new schedule; starting this process all over again. - Apply Template: Once your desired storyline is selected in the dropdown, click "Apply Template" to add Personal Storyline to the calendar.
- Show Calendar: Here you will see all of the personal storylines in the system, you can identify each Personal Storyline by the color you've chosen for each one. (Refer back to 2. Color.) Each storyline's color will appear on the day(s) it is going to be sent out.