Contacts - Contact List - Actions
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Contact List - Actions
1. Contact List
The numbered items in Image 1 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 1: Contact List
- Contacts: Click the Contacts dropdown and then select "Contact List". This will bring you to the page seen above.
- Actions: This is a dropdown button that shows different actions for the participant.
2. Actions
The numbered items in Image 2 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 2: Actions
- Deactivate Participant: This allows you to suspend all incoming and outgoing messaging for a participant, and will be replaced with a "Reactivate" option when a participant is deactivated. This will keep them in current Storylines and Appointment reminders, but will not send them. If you "Reactivate" the participant, they will be sent any remaining messages in their Storyline and/or Appointment Reminders timeline starting at the point that you reactivated the participant.
- Text History: This link sends user to the participant's Text History page.
- Participant Profile: This link sends user to the participant's Participant Profile page.
- Call Participant: This option is only available if the "Click-to-Call" configuration is enabled for your Project. For more information click here. Please contact Client Services if you require this add-on service.
- Change Phone: This link sends user to the Change Phone page.
- Add Appointment: This is available so you can send an appointment reminder to a participant. Hover over it and a dropdown will appear. Here you will see your appointment module link. Clicking the module link will bring you to the "Schedule Appointment Reminder" page, which is where you can add an appointment.
- Remove From Contacts: Removes the Contact from list.
- Add To Storyline: This indicates which Storyline(s) the participant has available on the Project, and then will add the participant to the selected Storyline.
- In story .... : "In story" is finished with the name of the Storyline your participant is currently enrolled in. Hover over this and a dropdown will appear with all remaining storylines. Here you have the option to move a participant to a different Storyline. If you choose to move a participant, the Contact List table will refresh and the newly chosen Storyline will be listed as their current Storyline.