Contacts - Add New Contacts
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Participant Profile - Add New Contacts
1. Contact List
The numbered items in Image 1 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 1: Contact List
- Contacts: Clicking this will bring you to the Contact List page shown above.
2. Add a New Contact
The numbered items in Image 2 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 2: Add a New Contact
Once on the Contact List page, there are 3 ways to access the page to add a new contact:
- Add New Contacts
- Add Contact
- Contacts Uploader - This will bring you to the "CSV Batch Contact Upload" page.
3. Add a Single Contact
The numbered items in Image 3 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 3: Add a Single Contact
- Phone (Required): Add 10 digit phone number – required field.
- Ppt Id: Add the Participant Id.
- Tags: Add tags for new Contact.
- Notes: Add notes for new Contact.
- Add Contact: This button adds your data to the system and the Contacts Overview table.
4. CSV Batch Contact Upload
The numbered items in Image 4 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 4: CSV Batch Contact Upload
- Choose File: When you click the "choose file" button, a window will open for you to select a CSV file from your computer.
- Update Existing Contacts?: Checking this box will update all the fields for contacts already found to match the CSV.
- Add Contacts to Storyline: Checking this box will add new and existing contacts to the selected storyline.
- Perform Carrier Lookup: Checking this box will lookup the carrier for the phone, loading only the mobile numbers. NOTE: to view the results of this lookup, please see article: Tools - Carrier Lookup Batches - How to Verify Participants Have a Valid Mobile Number to Receive Messages
- When you create a CSV file it should contain: Phone Number, Ppt Id, Tags, and Notes. All of these fields are optional except for the phone number, and the ppt id field is strongly recommended. The order of the columns does not matter.
- Upload CSV: Upload the CSV file to storyline.