Mosio Surveys - How To Set Up Branching Logic For Questions
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Mosio Surveys - How To Set Up Branching Logic For Questions
Note: When constructing a survey, the user can select different question types. This article addresses the Branching Expression question type and its associated functionality.
1. Finding the Branching Expression Option
To find the Branching Expression question type on the Surveys Page, select the "Edit" button, in the survey question you’ll see a “Type” dropdown. When you click on the type dropdown, you’ll find the 12 different question types, including Branching Expression.
2. Branching Types
The numbered items in Image 2 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 2: Branching Types
- Branching Types dropdown:
* This Answer: This option refers to the question at hand; no dropdown menu will appear.
* Previous Answer: A dropdown will appear; choose any question in the survey.
* Storyline Day: A dropdown will appear; choose from any of your storylines.
* User Preference: A dropdown will appear; choose either ppt_id, tags, notes, or any other fields defined on the account.
* Start Date/Time: This allows for the comparison of the date/time the participant was sent the first question (survey start).
* Answer Date/Time: This allows for comparison of the date/time the participant responded to the current question.
* Default: An alert will pop up saying: "default must be the last branch." If you select this option, you cannot add a condition. This is editable; you can change this option to a different one.
3. Button Descriptions
The numbered items in Image 3 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 3: Button Descriptions
- : This will delete the condition.
- Add Condition: Add a branching expression condition as an "and" to other condition(s) defined for the current branch.
- Go To: A list of all survey questions, or "Complete" (terminates survey). The selected question will trigger next if conditions are met.
- Delete Branch: This will delete the branch and all associated conditions.
- Add Branch: Add a new branch to question, there can be multiple branching expressions per question.