Follow- Any survey question can be configured and deployed on the Mosio system via text message.
- The Mosio system can also send a mobile web link to a survey in the first question in case a participant has a smart phone and wants to complete the survey that way.
- Surveys can have skip logic or intelligent programming based on response parameters (ask Mosio Development for more details).
- Nudges or reminders can be programmed to ensure timely data collection completion.
- Mosio offers integration into REDCap and other applicable EDC software systems for seamless data transfer.
Surveys Module
Once a participant is sent a survey, they are locked into the survey until all responses have been received or the survey expires. During the period of survey silo, any response from the participant will be collected as a response to the survey and will not appear in the microboard (TextChat) until the survey is complete or expires.
To create a survey, click on Surveys in the top nav, and select a survey from the drop down menu.
Begin entering the survey content by selecting edit on survey question 1 and replacing the content in the text box provided.
Text messages have a 160 character limit and although we don’t recommend doing it often, we can send up to 4 text messages in a survey question.
The data markers at the top, %ppt_id%, etc, can be used to personalize the survey content. The markers will be replaced with user-specific data pulled from the contact manager.
Select the type of answer response you are willing to accept from the drop down menu.
If you would like a specific error response configured for this question, enter the content in the Error Message text box provided. This message will be sent if the response received does not match the answer type selected.
Select update and if you have more than one survey question, add new survey question to continue.
Survey Reminders
To create survey reminders, scroll down to the Unresponsive Participant Actions section under survey questions.
From the drop down menu, select the type of reminder you want to send out; if alert or alert + resend question, enter the message content in the text box provided. To resend question only, leave the text box blank.
Enter the time in hours from the initial survey send time, when the survey reminder should be sent if no response has been received.
To save changes, select Add.
To expire a survey, select the time in hours from initial send time that the survey should remain valid, select Complete from the menu options. Then Add to save changes.
To configure the default error response and survey finish response, scroll down to the Configurations section, edit or update the message content and update configuration.
To confirm the Survey setup, click on Surveys in the top nav, and select a survey.
You can see the questions asked, answer types expected, and all configuration settings such as error response and survey finish response.
Test out the survey by entering your mobile number in the field provided and click send.
User Overview shows the list of participants enrolled in the survey and their status.
To the very right of the overview, you’ll find the Links column. From these links, you can restart any survey, and see individual results and the full text history.
User Responses provides the list of enrolled participants and their responses to all survey questions.
To view participant survey results aligned with days in storyline, select Storyline from the top nav, then survey results from the drop down Actions menu of the selected participant.