How to Create and Chain Multiple Appointment Reminders 🗓️
(Transcript is below)
How to Create Multiple Appointment Reminders
1. Click Overview under Appointments on the main dashboard.
2. Click "Add New Configuration," give the Appointment Reminder a title and then apply the settings.
Visit Appointment Reminders - Settings Page - How to Configure Appointment Reminder Settings for instructions on how to create one.
How to Chain Appointment Reminders
1. Visit the Appointment Reminder settings of your main appointment and scroll down to Step 4.
2. Add/Delete Appointment Reminders from the chain.
Video Transcript
Hello. So what we're gonna do today is talk about how you can make multiple appointments. You can make multiple appointment reminders as many as you need for different occasions and then how you can actually chain them together in a sequence. So imagine a normal appointment reminder might just remind someone of an appointment, say, the day before.
But by creating multiple appointment reminders and then chaining them together, you can have a sequence of reminders to give people, let's call them heads ups. So you can have one seven days before and then three days before and then one day before, each having their own unique content. So what I'm gonna do, there's some there's a UI changes being made. But to get to this spot, for now, just click on overview to take you to the appointments page.
Now one thing that's important to to note, we have a main appointment reminder, and that's going to be the we'll call it the anchor appointment reminder that you have. And then you can create these other appointments appointment reminders and then add those to it. The reason I'm pointing this out, you'll see here on this page, this is basically the, the settings page for appointment reminders. But if I look in the drop down, see how I don't see three day before appointment? That's because that one is chained together to the main appointment reminder. New appointment is its own. And so I could from the appointments tab here, in the navigation, I'm either enrolling someone into a main appointment reminder that's connected to this chain, and I'll show this here in a second, or I'm adding them to what I'm just calling new appointment.
So here's how I go about it. To create a new appointment, this is very easy. Just click add new configuration.
You give it a name, and you go through all the things to create an appointment reminder. I'm actually not gonna use this video for that. There's other videos to show you how to create appointment reminders in those settings, but that's how you create a a new appointment reminder, and then you'll see them all here. Now with regards to chaining them together, what we'll do is I will go to main appointment reminder.
And if I'm here in the appointment settings and I scroll down, this it's this is step four, advanced configurations. This is optional.
So you'll see here, this is where it shows the additional reminders or the chain the ones that are chained together. So you'll see here that the ones that are already attached to this are that three days before appointment that I mentioned. If you wanna disconnect it, then you just click this. But if you wanna add if you wanna create a new appointment reminder and then and then chain it to this main one, then you'll see the the drop down of the other appointment reminders that you've created that are not yet there. So if I click add new appointment, now it's there. And in fact, back to the original, I the original function or thing that I showed you in the appointments.
Oh, I didn't save. Oops. So, let me save. I was like, what is going on?
So, so now they're saved, and I'll refresh the page here. And then in the appointment reminder's navigation, You'll see that the only appointment reminder I have available is the main appointment. What this does is it actually prevents people. If you have a chain, it prevents you from the navigation of enrolling someone or adding them to an appointment reminder that is in the middle of your sequence, is in the middle of that chain.
So you'll just go to your, you know, appointment tab here. You'll do main appointment reminder. You enroll them into that. And in this case, what's going to happen is by enrolling them into the main appointment reminder, three days before, they're going to get that message.
One day prior, which I should have maybe done the seven, and then one day before they'll get this. So let me go ahead and show you how I'm gonna disconnect this new appoint reminder from this. I'm gonna go back here, click show, and I'm going to click this, save, refresh the page over here in the navigation, and you'll see that new appointment is there. So you can add in as many new configurations of appointments that you want, and then you can, yeah, chain them together or unchain them, make them unique.
We had, several clients that were asking that have different appointment types. And so we just wanted to show them in this video that you can make as many different appointment reminders as you want.
As always, if you have any questions, there's a knowledge base of information that you can search. And if you find yourself stuck, then you can send in a support ticket. But, usually, what we do is when clients ask questions about these things, we'll make help guides and videos like this to help you navigate the system and all the things that it does for you. Thanks, and have a great day.