Mosio %Tags%: Trigger Mosio Automations from REDCap
FollowWith Mosio Tags REDCap users are able to configure Mosio Storylines and/or Appointment Reminders, triggered from REDCap Alerts and Notifications. This is an advanced feature and requires a Mosio Basic or Plus Plan.
Alright. So this is the Mosio tags feature. This is an advanced feature within Mosio and REDCap. The prerequisites are that you need an understanding of REDCap alerts and notifications, you need an understanding of Mosio storylines and appointment reminders, and this can also this is can be done with a basic or a plus plan.
So Mosio tags, what are they? They enable you to configure texting automation functions such as story lines and appointment reminders, and then you can trigger those from inside of REDCap. So this enhancement allows for more efficient data flow and automation to happen between REDCap and Mosio. Effectively, what you're doing is you're configuring these functions or these appoint reminders inside of Mosio, and then you're triggering them from inside of REDCap. So it simplifies the process and makes it easier for REDCap users to manage and organize data through text messaging.
So the first use case, storyline enrollment.
In this case, we have two groups. We've got a control group and an intervention group, which would require two storylines and two alerts in REDCap. In the first one, you're seeing that it's looking for a subject enrollment is is saved and has a status of group one. So that's the control group.
Over here on the right, you'll see that where it says no text. What that means is that there's no text. There's no message being sent to the subject. It's just letting Mosio know that this function is simply enrolling them into a storyline.
On the right, that right arrow, you can see it's showing the storyline ID and then the start date for that particular subject. Now down below in the intervention, you'll see that the group equals two. So that means it's an intervention group or that subject's in the intervention group. You'll see the no text symbol there, code there, and then also the different storyline ID with their start date there.
So additional functionality regarding story line enrollment, it shows you the format here. And those functions are allows you to add users to story lines or update a start date. The start date actually can be piped in from Redcap.
And we also support the removal of a storyline using the the word remove inside of those Mosio tags.
So now, appointment reminders. So once appoint an appointment reminder or appointment reminders have been configured inside of Mosio, subjects can then be enrolled via a REDCap alert. So the typically, you'll have your appointment day and time stored inside of Redcap, whether that's an in office visit for Zoom, you are sending a Zoom link or a phone call. And then with the Mosio tag, you can use an alert to add the appointment data to a Mosio appointment reminder.
So here in the example, we see that no text code there, which will tell Mosio do not send a message to the subject. And then we have not only the appointment ID, which is that one four seven six zero seven number, but you can have different appointment numbers. So you can have appointment one, two, three. If you have sequential appointment, appointments with that subject, then you can enroll them into multiple appointments through those numbers.
And then you have the appointment date as part of the tag as well.
So the Mosio tag, more specific information. Here's the format, the functions that we have. We're able to create new appointments and update existing appointments. And we're also able to support multiple appointments with different appointment numbers as we just mentioned in the last slide.
So those are Mosio tags in a nutshell for Storyline enrollment and appointment reminders. We do update the system based on feedback from our users. So we expect to see Mosio tags used in a in in new ways. And if you have any suggestions for us, then just let us know.