Storylines - Enroll and Monitor Page - Actions
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Storylines - Enroll and Monitor Page - Actions
1. Storylines Tab
The numbered items in Image 1 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 1: Storylines Tab
- Storylines Tab: Choose which Storyline you would like to add content to.
2. Actions Button
The numbered items in Image 2 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 2: Actions Button
- Actions Button: Clicking this button will access a dropdown menu that is shown in image 3.
3. Actions Button Dropdown Menu
The numbered items in Image 3 correspond with the numbered list that follows the image. Refer back to this image if needed as you review the steps.
Image 3: Actions Button Dropdown Menu
- Survey Results: A link that sends you to the Storyline Survey Results page, here you can see the participant's survey results for the specific Storyline you have selected.
- All Survey Results: A link that sends you to the Storyline All Survey Results page, here you can see the participant's survey results for each Storyline they are enrolled in.
- Change Phone Number: A link that sends you to the Storyline Change Phone page, here you can change the participant's phone number in the text box provided.
- Force 10 Digit: When the system is sending a text message from the short code, this action forces the Project to send messages from the 10 digit phone number instead.
- Send Storyline: Sends current storyline day immediately. You should receive a confirmation message.
- Advance and Send: Advances the Storyline to the next day in the queue and then sends it out.
- Restart Survey: Restarts and resends the survey to the participant. All the surveys that you have created will be listed to resend.
- Add To Storyline: This indicates which Storyline(s) the participant is associated with, and then copies the participant to a different Storyline that is associated with the Project.
- Move To Storyline: This moves the participant from their current Storyline to a different Storyline that is associated with the Project. The user will be marked "complete" in the current Storyline.
- Text History: This link sends you to the participant's Text History page, and here you can view text history of the participant.