How to Create REDCap Survey Invitations with Mosio
In this video we show you how to create Survey Invitations in REDCap with Mosio.
Because REDCap versions and settings are different at every organization, it is best to check with your admins to see how to best manage it for your use case.
Hey, this is Jay from Mosio. And this is Noel from Mosio. So by now you have connected Mosio to your REDCap project. You can see that you're connected there.
And Jay, take us through creating a survey invitation and how you send it with Mosio. Sure. So if we head over to REDCap, we've got our survey invite dialogue up and running. One of the first things to look out for is invitation type.
You can send an email or you can send only an SMS. Invitation or you can use the participant preferences. Make sure you, you select the one you're going for. This time I'm going to say SMS invitation.
It's okay to leave it. It is for now. I'm going to send these immediately and then down below. Where it's composed your message.
We're actually going to head back into Mosio at this point to compose our message real quick. One of the reasons go ahead. While the reason that we created this message character counters that we started seeing people were just taking their. Email invitations and pacing those and sending them as a text message.
There's it's bad for two reasons. One is it could be confusing or frustrating because you're sending a bunch of text messages. The other thing is that you're getting charged for those messages and for those segments. So the development team.
And you can see exactly how many messages and segments you have before you paste them into REDCap. Yeah, so remember that text messaging doesn't support any character formatting, right? You can't use bold or italics. You can't set up like, links other than URLs.
And so you want to definitely just paste your message into here and check out the message segments section. So you'll see there's a couple things that can affect how many segments you're sending. Primarily it's the length of the message, but also if you have any special characters or emojis. So right now we're at two segments.
If I delete this emoji, we're down to one segment. There's, I think it's 70 characters per segment if you use emojis. And it's 160 if you don't. But the easiest thing is just to paste it in here and check out what the character count says it's going to be.
Once that's done though go ahead, select everything, head back over. Head back over to REDCap and you can paste it in. Again, REDCap is giving you the, the email editor with, you know, all of the, the text formatting options. Those don't really work in text messaging.
Hoping does work so you can put names in. Definitely put the survey link in there. And when you're ready to go, select your participants and hit send invitations. And that's that.
So in the next video we'll talk about alerts and notifications.